
pere guillot

The domain Father Guillot is a family estate established in 1968 by Father Guillot and assisted by his two son in the early 90s.

In 1968: In the Beaujolais in Villié-Morgon (Rhône), gradually the initial 3 ha expands to reach an estate of 50 hectares.

We do all the work of the vine to wine: the grape growing, winemaking, raising the wine and the bottling.

In July 1995: In order to expand our range to satisfy our customers, we will also install in Wine tasting at Le Cailar on an area of 13 hectares of vines.







1998: Our expertise is rewarded by winning medals, and could therefore consider extending the boundaries of our property: 23 ha in 1998 and 50 ha today.

Marketing and transportation are sometimes made by us to ensure maximum traceability.

Our sales are made 50% in France and 50% for export (27 countries).

Today, the Domaine du Père Guillot is a farm 100 hectares of vines in total, broken down into 50 ha Villie-Morgon and 50 ha Wine tasting